Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dwelling On The Past

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?"
-Isaiah 43:18-19

Learning from the past is wise. Dwelling on it is not. Don't be so focused on the past, that you miss the very thing that God is doing right before you.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Focus On The Prize

"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win."
-1 Corinthians 9:24

When you watch runners compete in a close race, you will probably notice that towards the finish line, they put their heads down and run with all the strength and energy they have left. They aren't focused on anything else other than that finish line and, ultimately, the prize.

Many athletes will tell you that a smart competitor will know where his competition is at all times. And while it's good to know what's going on around them, if they become too focused on anything other than the finish line, they will lose their momentum. Think about it... if you are wanting to run your fastest, will you be faster if you are constantly looking from side to side, or if your focus is consistently at the finish?

What are you focusing on in your life right now? Are you looking back at the past? Are you distracted by the trials around you? Your race isn't over. Keep running. Dig deep beyond the pain, the weariness, the temptation to quit. Push through, keep your focus, and run the race to win.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Wherever You Go

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for
the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
-Joshua 1:9

Last week was a bit tough. After having a few things come up, I have been wrestling with feelings of fear, stress, doubt, and discouragement. I don't think it's a coincidence that our pastor is having us memorize this verse as we go through our current study.

In this verse, Moses had passed and Joshua was named as the next leader of the Israelites. In assuming this position, he would also be the one to lead the people into their long-awaited Promised Land. If you read in Numbers 13, you will see that Joshua was one of the spies who were first sent into the land, so he knew the dangers and difficulties that lie ahead. I'm sure when he saw the enormity of the task before him, he felt extremely overwhelmed.

When you look at the Hebrew translation for this verse, God was telling Joshua to not only be strong and courageous, but to not be afraid or distressed. The word 'dismayed' in Hebrew means to be broken down by something (i.e. fear, stress, worry). God knew the challenges that Joshua would face, but Joshua wasn't going to have to face them alone. Joshua could have confidence that no matter where He would go, God was with Him.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Fearful? The same God that was with Joshua is also with you... wherever you go.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Beauty After The Storm

"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him."
-James 1:12 (NIV)

It had been a day full of nasty weather and severe storms. The final wave of thunderstorms was just passing as our family was out driving. I looked out the window and saw this...

The picture truly doesn't do it justice, it was an amazing sight. The sun had started to break though where the storm had passed and, in the midst of the dark clouds of the passing storm, it created a beautiful rainbow.

It was God's reminder to me that there can be beauty after a storm. That joy can come in the morning.

Going through trials is tough. It's hard to see past the storm clouds and it's easy to feel battered and worn down. But the storms of life will pass and, if you endure them, on the other side is where the beauty of that storm will be revealed.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Putting Up A Fight

My daughter was recently diagnosed with an ear infection. Typically no big deal but this was the third one in as many months. Since it's the same ear, her doctor thinks that it just has never fully healed, so she prescribed a stronger dose of antibiotics in hopes of kicking it for good. Unfortunately, my daughter hates the taste of the stuff and, last night, it was an all-out war to get her to take it. Pleading, kicking, screaming, was awful!

Reasoning with her just didn't work. As much as I tried to tell her that it was for her best, or that if she didn't take it things would get worse, or that it would eventually help in her healing ...‎ in the mind of a child, all she knew was that she didn't like it and couldn't understand why Mommy and Daddy would force her to do something so "horrible".

Sometimes in life, God allows circumstances in our lives that we don't like. We become so focused on or consumed by how much we don't like the circumstance, that we can't simply trust God. Instead of pleading, kicking, screaming, or fighting, try to remember that He is in control and has your best interest in mind. Take your situation to prayer with an open mind and open heart. Sometimes what we initially believe to be so "horrible", may be the very things that God uses to bring us what we need the most.

Friday, June 17, 2011

God Alone (Repost)

Most of us would never acknowledge God as God alone if we didn't experience crisis when no one else could help.
-Beth Moore

God never intended us to walk through this life alone. But there will be times that you will FEEL alone. Maybe you feel like no one understands what you are going through. Maybe you feel that you have no one to talk to about your situation. Maybe you feel that you are beyond help. Let me tell you this--God is there. Wherever you are at, whatever you are going through...

God is there.

One of Satan's most common battle tactics is to get us isolated. To focus on ourselves and our problems and sink into that pit of self pity. We are then paralyzed and powerless. But you have God on your side! You don't have to face your problems alone.

"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
-Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)

I believe that sometimes God allows us to be put in situations to where we have no other choice but to rely on Him. Where you can't help but realize that He is the only One you need. Where you come to acknowledge Him as God and God alone.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

In The Dark

Today's post is from the book "Just Enough Light for the Step I'm On" by Stormie O'Martian.

Often when we find ourselves in the midst of a dark situation, we immediately believe we must be out of the will of God. That might be true, but if we've been living in obedience to the Lord to the best of our ability, we are more likely right in the center of God's will.

In fact, God's will can lead us into some very dark circumstances. Oswald Chambers said, "Let it be understood that the darkness our Lord speaks of is not darkness caused by sin or disobedience, but rather darkness caused by excess light... Such times of darkness come as a discipline to the character and as the means of fuller knowledge of the Lord."

When we find ourself in the dark, we must STOP what we're doing, LOOK for His light, and LISTEN for His voice. If He is directing us, yet we ignore it, fail to see it, refuse to do it, run from it, don't comprehend it, or deliberately disobey it, we will be miserably lost.

We have to be still and know that He is God.

Just Enough Light for the Step I'm On
by Stormie O'Martian
Harvest House Publishers

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Faithful In The Now

"Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today, so that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land that the LORD promised on oath to your forefathers."
-Deuteronomy 8:1 (NIV)

Do you have dreams, goals, aspirations? Do you feel that some of these are "on hold" in your life? There are several things I am anxiously waiting on to be fulfilled. Some days, I find myself getting impatient and frustrated by trying to figure out how to get from A to B to C.

On one of those anxious days, I was praying, seeking God's wisdom, and asking what my next step should be. I was tired of feeling like I was at a standstill! Instead of a blueprint for the future, I felt God say to me...

"Be faithful with what you are called to now."

Yes, I have dreams, goals, desires. But if I cannot be faithful with the things God has given to me right now, how can I expect to be given more? Jesus even talks about this principle in Luke 16 when he says, "Whosoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much..."

Every day is a step closer to your dreams fulfilled and your goals achieved. Don't live so much in the future that you neglect the present. Continue to be faithful in the today, with the things God has called you to TODAY. Allow Him to use where you are to teach you and prepare you for what's ahead.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Who Are You Listening To?

"A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel..."
-Proverbs 1:5

Note that it doesn't say that a man of understanding will acquire thoughts or opinions. Nor does it say that he will acquire simply counsel. But a man of understanding will acquire WISE counsel. In a day and age where people are ever more free and comfortable to share their thoughts and opinions, we must be careful about who we are letting speak into our lives.

When making a decision, especially a major decision, it is vital that we know who and what we are being influenced by. If you are a Christian, these decisions should be weighed against two things... the Word of God and your spiritual discernment.

It's good to seek advice and counsel. In fact, Proverbs 15:22 tells us that plans fail due to lack of counsel. However, make sure the counsel you receive is more than just someone's thoughts or opinions.

Who are you listening to?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Say Thank You

This last week, a friend of ours passed away from cancer. As condolences came in via the internet, many people were saying how thankful they were to have had him as part of their lives... Some wrote about life lessons he taught them, others would write about cherished memories, and some shared the practical things they learned from him.

We all have people in our lives who mean a great deal to us. Those who have been there through thick and thin. Those who have helped us, prayed for us, encouraged us. Those who have taught us both practical and life lessons. Those who have simply lived life with us.

Today, my challenge is simply this: thank someone. Tell at least one person how grateful you are for them. And don't just merely say thank you, but tell them WHY you are thankful for them.

Let's not wait until they are no longer there that say how much we appreciate them.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Facing Your Battles

"It's not the size of the man in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the man."

I was sitting outside with my family tonight, when I heard some birds making a bunch of noise. I looked up and saw one bird attacking another. One of the birds was noticeably larger than the other, yet it was the smaller bird that was being the aggressor. The large bird had come too close to the other's nest, and that little bird was going to do everything it could to win this battle.

What was intriguing is that the little bird was successful at chasing away it's attacker. In the end, what the small bird lacked in size and strength, he made up for in fight and determination.

You may be facing an uphill battle. A situation where you are in way over your head. A circumstance where you feel your back is against a wall. There are countless stories in the Bible that tell of people who faced similar difficult situations. But despite their seemingly impossible circumstances, they faced them head on, with strength and determination, knowing that God was with them in their battles.

They never ran away or denied that there were obstacles, but they saw those obstacles in the light of having an all-powerful God on their side.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Psalm 73:26

"My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Difficulty Can Be A Good Thing

Today's post is an excerpt from one of the devotions in my Women's Devotional Bible. Note: it doesn't just apply to women.

Sometimes, the things God promises for our future don't seem at all likely in light of what we're experiencing today. From our limited perspective, we don't see the big picture, only a tiny thumbnail print. We may be experiencing something difficult or uncomfortable that will result in something better.

It's important to remember that sometimes our troubles are only a momentary detour leading us to God's best for us.

Taken from "God's Better Way"
The New Women's Devotional Bible

Monday, June 6, 2011

Take Courage!

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
-John 16:33

This weekend, some friends of ours received some devastating news for their family. So many people are facing huge battles and experiencing great suffering.

As Christians, we are not exempt from hardships. Jesus told His disciples to expect them. But then He encouraged them to take heart. In the Greek it is translated, "take courage".

I wish I knew all the reasons why. I wish I had all the answers to the tough questions. But I don't.

All I DO know is that life is not always perfect and we will all face moments we wish we would never have to face. But I also know that, even as we walk through those moments, God will be with us. Take courage, knowing that in the end, He will overcome.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Waves Of Life

"Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea--the LORD on high is mighty."
-Psalm 93:4

Have you ever been standing in the ocean, facing the beach, only for a rogue wave to come up behind you and knock you off your feet? You try to get back up and get your bearings, only to be knocked back down by another wave.

Doesn't life feel that way sometimes? We get hit by a wave that makes us lose our footing and every time we try to get back up, another wave comes to try and knock us back thing after another after another. It can eventually get wearisome to even try to get back on our feet.

But keep fighting, keep pushing, keep getting back up...knowing that God is mightier than the waves we face.