Thursday, June 9, 2011

Facing Your Battles

"It's not the size of the man in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the man."

I was sitting outside with my family tonight, when I heard some birds making a bunch of noise. I looked up and saw one bird attacking another. One of the birds was noticeably larger than the other, yet it was the smaller bird that was being the aggressor. The large bird had come too close to the other's nest, and that little bird was going to do everything it could to win this battle.

What was intriguing is that the little bird was successful at chasing away it's attacker. In the end, what the small bird lacked in size and strength, he made up for in fight and determination.

You may be facing an uphill battle. A situation where you are in way over your head. A circumstance where you feel your back is against a wall. There are countless stories in the Bible that tell of people who faced similar difficult situations. But despite their seemingly impossible circumstances, they faced them head on, with strength and determination, knowing that God was with them in their battles.

They never ran away or denied that there were obstacles, but they saw those obstacles in the light of having an all-powerful God on their side.