Thursday, March 17, 2011
Seeing Treasures
My daughter was playing outside when she suddenly comes running into the house shouting, "Mommy, Mommy!" Seeing that she was okay and obviously excited, I asked her what was going on. "Look Mommy! I found a TREASURE!" I looked down to see her clutching a small freshly picked flower in her pudgy little hand. Some people would look and that and think, "aaand...?" No big deal right?
My daughter loves flowers. She especially loves to collect them. Not only that, but she had been through a whole winter season without any flowers, so to her, this was truly a treasure.
Where did we lose that as we grew into adults? How many everyday treasures do we miss? Maybe we are too busy to see them, are too consumed looking at other things to notice, or don't recognize them for what they are truly worth. There are treasures all around us, but it's all a matter of seeing them as such. I pray that God will open our eyes, that we may see the extraordinary in the (seemingly) ordinary.