In Him, we have victory!
Christ has died on the cross.
He has conquered sin and death.
Therefore, if Christ is in us,
we have the same victory!
Where Jesus has victory,
we have victory.
Where He has overcome,
we shall overcome.
-Big God by Britt Merrick
Do you ever feel like you are fighting an uphill battle? You have been walking the walk and fighting the fight but now your strength is waning and you feel like you have no more fight left?
Some of you may have been fighting something for so many years that your strength is running low. Others may be facing something so overwhelming that it seems too big to win. As tough as they are, we must look at these battles as strength-training for our faith, character, and endurance. Just as a muscle must be broken down first in order for it to be built back up stronger, so is the result in US by fighting and overcoming the trials in our lives. But some battles are just too much for us to fight on our own.
"Today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not panic or be terrified by them. For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.”
-Deuteronomy 20:3-4
Read that again. It says that the Almighty, all-powerful God goes WITH us to fight FOR us! With His death on the cross, Jesus has conquered sin and death and everything else you can think of. If you are a believer, the Bible says that through Christ, we are more than conquerers (Romans 8:37)! The weapons we have to use are so powerful that they can demolish strongholds and principalities (2 Cor. 10:4). We don't have to fight as the world fights because we have so much more power because of the God we serve.
Sometimes God calls us to fight and sometimes He tells us to simply be still and let Him fight for us. Regardless of what kind of battle you are facing, God is with you and He has the power to overcome anything. Therefore, so do you.