Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Influencing Hope - 31 Days of Hope (Day 18)

Yesterday was a celebration of the life of Martin Luther King Jr. My husband wrote a post about being a game changer... and MLK definitely fits that description.

“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of great faith who inspired countless people to dream and hope. His inspiration continues to this day. Granted, the majority of us will not have as far-reaching an impact as he has had, but what about where you are now?
WHO are you influencing?
We each have our own individual circle... some circles are larger than others. God has put specific people in our lives that He wants us to influence. No matter who you are or what you do, no matter how large or small your circle, God wants to use YOU to touch people's lives in a great way!! Whether you are a teacher, a mom, a husband, a friend, a co-worker... you were placed into someone's life for a reason and part of that reason is to influence them.
My next question is this:
HOW are you influencing those in your circle?
Are you influencing them with hope or are you influencing them with despair? Are you challenging them to dream or allowing them to doubt? Are you speaking words of life or death? One of the best examples I can use is that of being a mom. God gave those precious babies to ME. I am to mold them, discipline them, encourage them, challenge them...the list goes on. God wants to use you in a variety of ways to impact those around you.

You have influence. How will you use it?