One of my favorite daily devotionals is The Women Of Faith Daily Devotional. God has used it many times over the past years. Every month there is a different theme, and when God was speaking to me about hope, this book was a daily reference and source of encouragement. The following is an excerpt from Barbara Johnson, a woman who stared hopelessness in the face and refused to give in to it.
"Though He slay me, yet I will hope in Him."
Job 13:15
Job's amazing resolve first attracted my attention many years ago, before I had any experiences in my life that would allow me to fully understand it. Sometimes after years of faithfulness, Christians suddenly find themselves greatly tested and in deep distress, seemingly without reason. We may have terrific battles with doubts, fears, and unbelief, feeling God doesn't care about our problems. I know all about it. My husband was badly maimed in a devastating car crash, two of our sons were killed, and another son was estranged from us for eleven years.
But through it all, I have learned that God has a special purpose in with-holding immediate relief. He faithfully uses even our most heart-wrenching experiences to fine-tune us for His glory. I have seen this happen in my own life and in the lives of countless others.
God knew Job's heart. God knew Job would cling to Him no matter what. Similarly, we must hold fast to God, allowing our afflictions to not break or embitter us but to push us closer to the Father. I like to say my heart is wallpapered to God, never to be separated or torn away. The wallpaper paste that holds me there is hope.
Dear God, my life is in Your hands. I will hope in You alone, no matter what. Amen.
Barbara Johnson
The Women Of Faith Daily Devotional